Presenting BeeDAO — The Gateway to DeFi Blockchain through Liquidity and Protocol Aggregation, Algoritm Analytics, and Multi-Chain Accessibility

3 min readMar 26, 2021

BeeDAO’s mission is to build our platform for first-time entrants and investors, to make DeFi accessible for everyone. We setup BeeDAO aggregates the best liquidity sources from the entire DeFi space onto a single dashboard or platform that allows anyone with any level of knowledge to take part in the growing DeFi landscape. With our AI-powered Yield Engine, BeeDAO offers customized DeFi investment recommendations to users based on their unique set of requirements, risk levels, and allocation opportunities.

BeeDAO technology considerably lowers the entry barrier for first-time investors, who might otherwise have a difficult time navigating through the complexity of the DeFi space.

Walking with this vision, BeeDAO has partnered with some of the most reputable players of the DeFi sector, including PancakeSwap. These coalitions allow BeeDAO users to access all the investment prospects that these companies provide directly through a single platform, BeeDAO. Investors no longer have to search various websites reviewing the most profitable investments, they can access DeFi’s offerings directly through BeeDAO with the help of our analytics engine.

BeeDAO — The AI-powered yield farming machine

If you are familiar with BSC yield farming, you must have heard of the famous food farm like Pancake, Kebab, or even the rug pulled Popcorn swap. All these platforms launched without a proper system like burning mechanism and timelock, and hope people will jump into the pool. We are taking this to the next level. We are now proposing a 2nd Generation yield farming mechanism that allows perpetual price increase with a sustainable and profitable farming yield with a timelock contract at launch!

The problems we are trying to solve:

▪ Large fund enters and exits creating a significant fluctuation.

▪ Constant token creation with stable coins without any contribution

▪ Insufficient token burn

BeeDAO protocol will provide :

a. Unique Burning Mechanism

▪ All farms take a 4% burn when you stake.

▪ 3% will be used to purchase $BDAO Token and sent into the lottery pool.

▪ 1% will be used to further develop this platform with other sites

▪ Promote long term staking

b. BeeDAO Lottery Pool

▪ As 3% of the burn will inject into the lottery, the lottery pot will be so huge that you can retire after winning the first prize.

▪ 20% of the pot will be burnt to reduce the token circulation further.

▪ Constant Price Growth. The 3% burn will be used to purchase $BDAO token from the various liquidity pools.

For example: If people staked BDAO-BUSD LP, 3% of the LP tokens would be used to buy $BDAO to decrease the supply in the long term.

We are trying to use our knowledge from the defi industry to build this perpetual yield farming site ! This is just our first step, we will be continuously looking for better burning mechanism to make this project great !


About BeeDAO

Bee DAO is a Community-governed DeFi Platform & The Gateway to DeFi Blockchain through Liquidity and Protocol Aggregation, focusing on Swapping, Staking, LP Rewards, NFT Marketplace and Governance.

BeeDAO aggregates the best liquidity sources from the entire DeFi space onto a single dashboard or platform that allows anyone with any level of knowledge to take part in the growing DeFi landscape. With our AI-powered Yield Engine, BeeDAO offers customized DeFi investment recommendations to users based on their unique set of requirements, risk levels, and allocation opportunities.

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Bee DAO is a Community-governed DeFi Platform focusing on Staking, LP Rewards, NFT Marketplace and Governance. 🐝