Quillhash Audit Report : BeeDAO Smart-Contract Security Review

3 min readMar 27, 2021

Smart Contract Security is imperative to the blockchain ecosystem. When you invest in a token, you want to ensure the Smart Contracts are secure in every way. Quillhash, the leading blockchain security company, has an outstanding reputation.

BeeDAO was excited to work with the Quillhash team to examine security issues and vulnerabilities in the source code of BeeDAO protocol, A comprehensive audit examination has been performed, and a penetration test on BeeDAO smart-contract.

Code Review Overview

The goal of the audit was to review the BeeDAO implementation for its business model, study potential security vulnerabilities, its general design and architecture, and uncover bugs that could compromise the software in production.

Quillhash’s Auditing Process

A comprehensive examination has been performed, utilizing Dynamic Analysis, Static Analysis and Manual review techniques. The auditing process pays special attention to the following considerations:

• Testing the smart contracts against both common and uncommon attack vectors

• Assessing the codebase to ensure compliance with current best practices and industry standards

• Ensuring contract logic meets the specifications and intentions of the client

• Cross referencing contract structure and implementation against similar smart contracts produced by industry leaders

• Thorough line-by-line manual review of the entire codebase

Additionally, Quillhash performed an application penetration test for the BeeDAO smart-contract. The main objective of the penetration test was to test the overall resiliency of the application to various real-world attacks against the application’s controls and functions. Thus, Quillhash would be able to identify its weaknesses and provide recommendations to fix and improve security posture.

BeeDAO Protocol is The Gateway to DeFi Blockchain through Liquidity and Protocol Aggregation focusing on Swapping, Staking, LP Rewards, NFT Marketplace and Governance in a single platform.

Findings and Processes From Testing

Regarding the audit, the codebase makes good use of the framework specifics and the codebase was found to respect the frameworks specifications and be in alignment with the intended functionality as modules.

Quillhash’s team found only some minor exceptions, which were swiftly fixed by the team in complete.

Audit Security Recommendations

Quillhash advises all projects undergo strict unit testing on the complete codebase to ensure that the intended functionalist and outcome is achieved under all edge cases even before the audit. Strict unit testing will ensure that the code is of the highest quality, and will make all the audits more valuable

In addition to the functionality, the team recommends improvement in the documentation of the codebase. Although some parts were well documented, others lacked proper documentation. Given the experience with the BeeDAO team, Quillhash is confident that the documentation will be updated and fully in place before the release.


About QuillAudits

QuillAudits is a secure smart contract audits platform designed by QuillHash Technologies.

It is an auditing platform that rigorously analyzes and verifies smart contracts to check for security vulnerabilities through effective manual review with static and dynamic analysis tools, gas analyzers as well as simulators. Moreover, the audit process also includes extensive unit testing as well as structural analysis.

We conduct both smart contract audits and penetration tests to find potential security vulnerabilities which might harm the platform’s integrity.

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Aboout BeeDAO

Bee DAO is a Community-governed DeFi Platform & The Gateway to DeFi Blockchain through Liquidity and Protocol Aggregation, focusing on Swapping, Staking, LP Rewards, NFT Marketplace and Governance.

BeeDAO aggregates the best liquidity sources from the entire DeFi space onto a single dashboard or platform that allows anyone with any level of knowledge to take part in the growing DeFi landscape. With our AI-powered Yield Engine, BeeDAO offers customized DeFi investment recommendations to users based on their unique set of requirements, risk levels, and allocation opportunities.

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Bee DAO is a Community-governed DeFi Platform focusing on Staking, LP Rewards, NFT Marketplace and Governance. 🐝